Mme Idem. (Masquerades at Nyoro Ekpe).


12 by 18 Inches.

Material: Professional Paper.

Mme Mkparawa. (Men dancing and celebrating at Nyoro Ekpe).


12 by 15 Inches.

Material: Professional Paper.

Work focused on the documentation of indigenous cultures in Nigeria as a means of creating archival visual history of these cultures for the future, and for people in the present to connect with the culture and traditions.



12 by 15 Inches.

Material: Professional Paper.

Mme Idem 2.

$150 (A Set)

8 by 10 Inches each.

Material: Professional Paper.


Masquerade at Utomo Obong Celebration.


12 by 18 Inches.

Material: Professional Paper

Ekpe Initiates at Nyoro Ekpe Festival.


12 by 15 Inches,

Material: Professional Paper

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